Card should always be presented at point of sale.
10% off order of $100 or more, kayaks included
Excludes hard goods
Marriott Resort
Excludes Post Office, copy & internet srvs & sale items
“As Seen in the MICA Office” Marco Island art prints & notecards-30% discount to MICA members. Also 30% off non-Marco Island prints.
10% off excluding sale items
Fun for organizations, such as fashion shows, charity events, trunk shows, in store & out of store events.
10% discount on all hardcover books; 20% discount on notary, fax & copy services (N store only). Excluded from discount: paperback books, toys, gifts, greeting cards, shipping & USPS Services.
Marriott Resort
Interior Design Studio and Showroom with Indoor/Outdoor Furniture, Lighting, Home Accessories and More!
10% Off A Non-Sale Item!
1089 N. Collier Blvd., Suite 411, 239.970.2346