Application For 2024-2025 Marco Island Residents' Beach Use

Business Address or PO Box is not acceptable

Application fee is $200. Fiscal year is September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. Fees are not prorated. Membership is not transferrable.

I certify that I am a Marco Island resident, and in support of this application, I am submitting herewith proof that I qualify for membership by including legible copies of one of the following with my application:

*press cltr or shift to select multiple files

Only the above documents will be considered as acceptable proof of residency. Originals will not be returned to you.
I understand that: 1) Residents' Beach membership will be granted only to natural persons (not corporations or trusts); 2) not more than one membership will be issued to any resident; 3) membership is non-transferable; 4) my picture will be taken at the MICA office and an ID will be issued for my use only; 5) members are required to present photo identification to MICA representatives upon request; 6) there is no refund of fees; 7) the fee to replace an ID card is $30.00; 8) by supplying my email address, I authorize MICA to email me information. As a member of the Residents' Beach I waive for myself and any of my guests any cause of action that may arise for damages of any kind and matter. I understand that any violation of membership rules and beach access regulations will be grounds for cancellation of my membership. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing application and that the facts stated in it are true.